Greetings from Lithuania! It's nine o'clock on Sunday night, and I am preparing for the new week. Friday, I wrote down a list of everything I needed to get done for the coming week. It's 20 items now, six of which I've done over the weekend. Busy, busy, busy. Monday morning should be interesting. I'm handing back the second Excel spreadsheet problem. I had been "worried" that I was going to be giving all A's this semester. I don't need to worry about that now. I had about a third of the class turn in files that scrupulously recreates the look of the assignment. They just didn't use any formulas. They typed in all the numbers. Lots of Cs and Ds this week. They get off easy. I knew I had a cheating problem with a couple of girls in the 11:00 class. I checked the creation dates on their files and found they were identical, plus they made the same mistakes. It got worse. It suddenly struck me that the file had to have been created in the lab, but during the 9:00 class. Horrible realization. I checked the 9:00 students and found two more using the exact same file. Only the names were changed to protect the guilty. A sweep of all the student's files found 10 out of 33 to be duplicates (the quartet and three duos). Looks like a lecture on integrity, academic and otherwise, is in order. So much for the easy A. The end result is lots and lots of double zeroes. And I stayed up until 3:30am Saturday night grading the things, so I won't be feeling extra charitable tomorrow morning. The Susses have been helping me out by inviting me to dinner on Tuesday night. This week they also invited the Miningers and Leigh. Poor Leigh has now had the indignity of being invited twice to dinner by a married couple, who also invited another married couple and me. We're trying to determine whether everyone else is telling us something. It won't work, we've had that discussion. Tuesday night, Leigh was telling about a student of hers who had written a paper extolling the virtues of another student "who was so nice, that he had written a paper for another student for Leigh's class." It would appear that some English definitions have not quite sunk in. The Susses served chicken curry with mushrooms on wild rice, green beans, and red cabbage. I think that's the first time that I've eaten mushrooms and liked it. Spring has definitely come to Klaipeda. I saw my first storks while on the road at Easter. The last couple of days have been wonderful. Saturday, I walked most of the length of Manto and thoroughly enjoyed not being cold. I stopped at San Marco's for an ice cream sundae. I can see how people would want to come for the Summer. :-) Anywho, two weeks of class to go, plus Finals, plus graduation! I've been asked to sing a solo for the Baccalauerate. It will probably "What Wondrous Love Is This". My first suggestion was "Born Free", the second was Alice Cooper's "School's Out for the Summer", both were nixed. :-) The college faculty, staff, and students are also going to sing a couple of songs at Commencement, one of which is the Festival Doxology that I learned at Lakeview just a few short months ago. What fun! My biggest prayer concerns right now are about keeping awake and healthy for the next three weeks. Please pray also that I will continue to stay fair in my attitude to my students. Thanks. Do you think it possible to pray for events that have already taken place, but you do not yet know the outcome? I've wondered about that. It seems odd to ask for prayers about events that will have already taken place by the time you read this. But God is master of all time, so I suppose He can work it out. Take care, and keep the Faith! Yours in Christ, David