Greetings from Lithuania! The Curzon spit protects Klaipeda from the Baltic Ocean. It is a sand spit, heavily forested to protect against erosion. It has wonderful long stretches of beaches on the Baltic side, and a fishing village museum and dolphin exhibit on the Klaipeda side. It is always a relaxing place to visit, to either walk down its forested pathways or stroll along the beach in search of amber. It is easy to forget that this parkland is just across the lagoon from a city of 200,000 people. Thursday, on the spit, one of the LCC's American staff was beaten, robbed, and sexually assaulted in broad daylight. She is doing as well as could be expected. She is surrounded by love and has a wide range of expertise to draw on, from trained counselors to ministers to nurses to former police officers. Ted and Alice took her to the police station, and the assistant chief of police, a friend of Ted's is taking charge of the police side of things. Please pray for her. She is very strong. She is more concerned about the attack's effect on the rest of LCC than about herself right now. I think I'm still in shock. This is the start of spring break here, and there wasn't time to tell the students before they left. The attack made the local TV, so the local students may already know. The staff was told at a Friday afternoon meeting. Please pray for all of us. This has never happened to anyone I've known before, and it is difficult to know what to say to her each time I've seen her. There is an air of unreality about the whole thing. Things should be fairly quiet around here for break. The staff is heading off to Prague, and Tunisia, and Greece. I am staying around here to rest and recover from round umpteen of the cold/flu. I'll probably make a day trip or two to Palanga, and I might even go to Vilnius. Take care. Yours in Christ, David