Week Two Hello everybody! Well, week two is winding to a close here in Klaipeda, and it has been an interesting week. I've taught my first classes, sized up the students, and I am really excited about what God is doing here. Monday, I didn't keep the classes long. In addition to going over the syllabus, I called the roll, and had each student tell the class where they were from (mostly from Klaipeda with two from Latvia and one from Denmark), and why they were at LCC. Then I told them where I was from, and how God called me to LCC. It went well and I believe I planted a seed in their minds and hearts. Please continue to pray for them. I'm starting to get a little homesick. I know I'm here because God wants me here, but it doesn't make the adjustment that much easier. It's difficult because I can't pick up the phone and talk to you. I'm making lots of new friends, but you are irreplaceable. I'll manage somehow, with God's help. Anyway, Wednesday and Friday were introductory. I had the Intro class read through an assignment in class so I could get a feel for their actual reading speed and comprehension, and Friday I did an overview of the Internet in 50 minutes. Great fun. The students have been great. They're eager to learn about computers. Which is good, because I'm eager to teach them. I suppose my biggest problem I'm facing right now is just handling the class as a lab. I know it's the best way to get them the skills, and I'll toss in brief lectures to cover the material that can't be learned in front of the computer. I never realized before how much teaching could consist of watching over a class working through an assignment. It's odd. The second biggest problem is that I'm pretty tired after teaching those five sections. I'm thankful I don't have anything important to do on Tuesday's and Thursday's because I've felt seriously tired both of those days. This Sunday, I've been asked to do special music for the LCC worship service as part of a small mixed group. Sounds like fun (pun unintentional). This week was also David Shank week here at LCC. He and his wife Grace were here to look into the possibility of him taking over for Len as Academic Dean when he leaves after this year. The Shanks have been missionaries to Somalia, he was born in Tanzania to missionaries, she's from Pennsylvania. Both are wonderful folks on fire for the Lord. David preached at last Sunday's LCC worship service, and at the Wednesday night chapel, plus they both talked at a more informal staff get-together Tuesday. Currently, he's the head(?) of the Eastern Mennonite foreign mission board. Cujo the Poodle The third night in Lithuania, I was taking the shortcut through the alleyway from the LCC building to the Karklu dorm. The alley runs alongside a five story beatup apartment building, and is unlit. Off in the distance at the end of the alleyway, I saw a couple of people lit up temporarily as a car passed them heading in my direction. After the car passed me, I noticed a dog heading in my direction from a few feet away. It was a nice little white and black dog that sort of gave me a glance and kept on going past a few feet away. That's when it happened. Another dog appeared 20 feet away in front of me, and started barking. It was a gray poodle-like dog, and it was the first dog I'd seen actually bark at me. I moved across the alleyway to give it some space, but it kept barking up a storm as I approached. I finally came to a halt 10 feet away and started asking it whether it was barking at me or the dog somewhere off behind me. It started moving past me, but started that ominous growl, and began to spiral in towards me left heel like it wanted to attack me from behind and to the left. Just as the situation was about to degenerate into a state of nature, the owner showed up, a nice looking old woman who after getting the dog called up, launched into a lengthy apology in Lithuanian. I told her I didn't speak the language, and she shrugged her shoulders and moved on. The next day I went through the alley again with a bunch of the new folk. This time in daylight. And there was the woman again, and that dog. The woman recognized me, and nearly had to sit on the dog to keep it in line as we passed. I'm a little leery of going through that alleyway now. That's about it right now. The weather has been all over the place. Right now it's cloudy and below freezing. Friday night, I had dinner at a very nice restaurant in Statue Park with a couple of the young marrieds. Nice food and the whole meal cost me five dollars. I read Peretti's _The Prophet_ this week, too. Very moving book, almost as good as his _This Present Darkness_, and then read _The Oath_ over the weekend. Not near as good. Take care. Thank you for all your prayers. I know that I am doing this through God's strength, supported by you. Yours in Lithuania, David P.S. For those who don't have my address here, it's: David Benjamin LCC Malunininku 4 5813 Klaipeda Lithuania I've decided to stay in the Karklu dorm so I'll get more exercise (10 minute walk to LCC), plus it's warmer there.