Elise Irwin

Assistant Professor
Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture, Zoology and Wildlife Sciences
119 Swingle Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849

Phone: (334) 844-9190
Fax: (334) 844-9208

e-mail: eirwin@ag.auburn.edu

GIS Software:
Arc/Info, Unix, vector
Atlas GIS, DOS, vector
Atlas GIS, Windows, vector
Mapix GIS, Windows, raster/vector
IDRISI, DOS, raster/vector

Remote Sensing Software:
Mapix-RS, Windows

Statistical Software:
SAS, Unix
SAS, Windows

Courses Taught:
Ecology and Management of Riverine Systems, Course Number TBA, Spring alt, even yrs

Research Interests:
Fisheries-Habitat Interactions, Aquatic Landscape Ecology, Ecology and Management of Riverine and Reservoir Fishes

Link to:

August 30, 1996