During my twenty-five year tenure in the department at Auburn University, I have devoted considerable time to program development both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I wrote the first draft for the masters program in sociology, helped design and formulate the criminology curriculum. the anthropology major, and the social work program. I have spent about twelve and a half years in an administrative capacity either as acting head, department head (ten years), or director of social work (1 year).
While I have taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in the department, I have focused more on Social Behavior and the Sociology of Deviant Behavior during the last four years as key courses in criminology, sociology, and social work. I have been a strong advocate in the department, college and university for the social science core curriculum requirement and have taught Society, Culture and Environment for the last four years almost every quarter. I have been keenly interested in seeing this become a significantly different type of course to promote an understanding of global concerns, cultural diversity and socio-economic inequities regionally, nationally and throughout the world.
My research has focused on issues that encourage better teaching. Published research I have done includes articles and presentations on teaching students with learning disabilities more effectively; social and structural variables that foster safer schools; and factors that effect stress vulnerability among college and university students.
I have participated in conferences on teaching for cultural diversity, led a five hour series on crime and victimology, chaired conference sessions on AIDS-related suicides and stress-related behavior. I have taught high school classes dealing with topics such as basic sociology and the importance of understanding social science to reduce prejudice and increase tolerance, and conflict resolution.