Suggested Readings for Students Interested
In Building Personal Wealth

Below is a list of readings that I would recommend if you are interested
in building personal wealth.  These books are not "get rich quick"
but how to become a little better off and build a confortable retirement
for yourself and your family.

"The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need" by Andrew Tobias
I would start with this book.  It is the shortest, least expensive,
and covers all of the basics.  This book has been revised many times.

If you are interested in financial investments, I would read the following
books.  All except the Bernstein book have been revised many times and/or have been in print for

"The Money Game" (1968) by Adam Smith.

"A Random Walk Down Wall Street: Including a Life-Cycle Guide to Personal
Investing" by Burton Makiel.

"The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio" by William Bernstein

"The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham.

I recommend reading the book by Graham last.  It is a complex book on the
financial analysis of stocks and bonds.