Educator Development and Preparation

The College of Education at Auburn University will join in a partnership with South African institutions of higher education in the Consortium and the Western Cape Province Department of Education. The purpose of this partnership is to provide on-going professional development programming as well as pre-service teacher/educator exchange and assistance. Subject matters will be based on the expressed needs of member institutions; may be modified based on the changing needs of the member institutions. Currently, content areas for professional development include, but are not limited to: N-12 mathematics, science, languages, classroom management, school safety, valuing all learners, technology, educational leadership, empowerment of women educators and leaders, and HIV/AIDS. Initiatives related to teacher preparation include: curriculum development/revision; integration of technology in teaching and learning; pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning, and other areas of need as identified by member institutions. Auburn University faculty has expertise in each of these areas of curricular need identified by the Western Cape Province Department of Education.

In participating in an educational partnership related to these professional development and teacher preparation opportunities, it is essential for all parties involved to be prepared to teach from a multicultural/inclusive perspective. Incorporating multicultural/inclusive pedagogical and curricular strategies for the broad array of diversities in South Africa, including students with disabilities, must be a major goal of this partnership endeavor.

Contact:Dr. Renee A. Middleton
Associate Professor and Director/Adm. - Education
334-844-4446, 3084 Haley Center
Auburn University, AL 36849

Dr. Holly A. Stadler
Professor and Head of Counseling and Psychology
334-844-2878, 2084 Haley Center
Auburn University, AL 36849