AU Competitive Outreach Scholarship Grants

Minimum Requirements:

All proposals must meet the university definition of outreach as stated in Chapter 3 of the Faculty Handbook and include letters of support from both the faculty member’s department head (or director or dean, as appropriate) and a representative of the external constituency. Auburn University has defined outreach as “the function of applying academic expertise to the direct benefit of external constituencies in support of university and unit missions.” The department head’s letter must tell how the proposed project serves a university or unit mission and how it will contribute to the investigator’s scholarship. The external support letter must address the need for the project and describe how the external constituency will participate in providing direction, support, and evaluation for the project.

Successful applicants will be required to submit a midyear grant cycle report (six months into the project), a final report summarizing the project and evaluating its impact on the target constituency at the conclusion of the grant cycle year. Additionally, successful applicants will be required to present their engagement activities at the 2013 Outreach Scholarship Symposium describing the outreach scholarship of the project and submit a proposal for presentation at the 2013 Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference. These reports of outreach engaged scholarship may be used in future Outreach publications, and grant recipients are encouraged to plan their own individual publications as well.

Last Updated: November 8, 2013