IT Governance

Experience has shown that the work of providing information technology for the Auburn University community is enhanced by advice and direction from the people who are served. To this end, IT at Auburn University is guided and its direction steered by groups representing all members of the university community. These include:

Academic Computing Advisory Committee

On an annual basis the Academic Computing Advisory Committee reviews the status of academic computing. This review may evaluate needs and recommend action and policies, or policy changes, with regard to academic computing. The committee consists of nine faculty members, the Executive Director of the Office of Information Technology, two undergraduate students nominated by the President of the Student Government Association, and one graduate student nominated by the President of the Graduate Student Organization.

Administrative Systems

Banner Oversight

The Banner Oversight Committee provides review and direction for the entire Banner system and interacts as needed with the modular steering teams. Banner Oversight reviews requests for major system changes, plans for and coordinates significant changes to all instances of Banner including upgrades, manages high-level operations requests, and generally keeps each of the Banner system areas aware of significant issues. Membership includes representatives from each of the Banner areas (Student Records, Admission, Financial Aid, HR, and Finance) and technical areas (i.e. Database Administration, BDMS, Meta-directory, Xtender).


BaSIS is the Banner Student Information Systems Committee. BaSIS coordinates changes to the Student systems in Banner (Records, Financial Aid, Billing and Admissions). It reviews and approves requests for changes to Banner Student Information System (SIS) procedures and coordinates timing among stakeholders. When necessary, it sets SIS priorities. Members include technical staff, operational staff from student services areas, academic advisors, faculty members and Associate Deans.

Distributed IT Managers

Each college and school is represented about a staff of IT professionals.  A contact for each of these groups can be located on the IT Provider Directory.

Instructional Technology Council (ITC)

The Instructional Technology Council (ITC) is comprised of IT representatives from each of the colleges and is concerned with IT matters related to academic instruction. The ITC also plans and carries out ITeach, an annual, day-long, teaching with technology conference.

OIT Cabinet

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) Cabinet consists of the Executive Director and the OIT Directors. This group meets bi-weekly to resolve issues, set direction and priorities, and to review projects. Each Director has opportunity to present ideas, to provide direction for departmental initiatives and to receive input from the other Directors.

OIT Management

The OIT Management team consists of the OIT Cabinet and the OIT Managers. This group meets monthly to present new projects and address issues and priorities. Each Director and Manager has the opportunity to present a report of initiatives in their area and to receive input from the other team members.