Голоса 1, Урок 8
Очём идёт речь?

  1. Review the vocabulary for the items on page 270 and the names of the stores on page 271 of the Textbook.
  2. Review the vocabulary for the various departments in a store in the blue box on page 270 Textbook.
  3. Complete Упражнение 8-1 on page 271 of the Textbook. Write complete sentences, "I want to buy [relative] [items]".
  4. View a video sketch Что сыну купить? аt Cornell university.
    1. For whom is the man shopping?
    2. What does the person want him to buy?
    3. What does the saleslady suggest that he should buy?
    4. How much does it cost?
    5. Why do you think this is an appropriate purchase?

Copyright ©. George Mitrevski. Auburn University. e-mail:mitrege@auburn.edu