Administrative and Professional Assembly

November 29, 1995 - 3:00 p.m.

James E. Foy Union Building - Room 213

The Chair, Jim Stone called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. Representatives present: Shawn Asmuth, Fred Bobo, Alesia Boyd, Bill Compton, Kim Durbin, Carl Gagliano, Robert Gottesman, Teresa Hall, Ellyn Hix, Angie Jacobs, Bruce Lewis, Minnie Melton, Michael Miller, Liza Mueller, Betty Reese, Jim Stone, Ted Trupp, and Teresa Vest. J. Stone welcomed the Assembly representatives and guests in attendance then outlined the agenda for the meeting. The minutes from the September 14 meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by T. Hall and seconded by B. Reese. Motion carried. J. Stone called upon Jim Ferguson, Chairman of the Nominations and Elections Committee, to report on the work of his committee. A chronological and historical account of the committee's formation, charge, and work was reported by J. Ferguson. A listing of the nominations for Standing Committees was presented to the Assembly representatives for review and approval. The nominations are as follows:

Kevin Robinson President
Michael Miller Provost
Susie Miller Provost
Tena Barnes VP for Administrative Services
James Donald Thompson VP for Alumni & Development
Julie Kowalski VP for Business & Finance
Earnestine Morris-Stinson VP for Outreach
Melvin Smith VP for Student Affairs
Diana Hyde VP for Research
James Sellers Provost
Jack Lawton VP for Administrative Services
Bob Ritenbaugh VP for Business & Finance

Victoria Meetze President
Bruce Lewis Provost
Kerry Ransel Provost
Sandra Young VP for Administrative Services
Albert Snipes VP for Administrative Services
Linda Sayers VP for Alumni & Development
Vickie Jernigan VP for Business & Finance
Deborah Shaw Conner VP for Student Affairs
Kyong Menniefee VP for Outreach
Becky VanValkenburgh President
Jack Pickerell VP for Administrative Services
Steve Townsend VP for Research

Jim Jackson President
Carol Incenogle Provost
Frances Ledbetter VP for Administrative Services
Mary Ellen Hendrix VP for Alumni & Development
Marilyn Sanford VP for Business & Finance
Al Eiland VP for Outreach
John Fletcher VP for Student Affairs
Robert Hearn VP for Research
Assembly Secretary N/A
Ann Morton President
Beth Cromwell President
James Harvey VP for Outreach

Jay Jacobs President
Sam Lowther President
David Moncus Provost
Elaine Ridgeway Provost
Marjorie Gentry Provost
Rennie Jones Provost
Mary Munday VP for Administrative Services
Angela Erlandson VP for Administrative Services
Tommy Bartlett VP for Alumni & Development
Susan Smith VP for Business & Finance
Bob Gehling VP for Business & Finance
Deborah Little VP for Outreach
Don Seay VP for Research
Grant Davis VP for Student Affairs
Quentin Riggins VP for Student Affairs
Milton Dyies Provost
Phyllis Harris Provost
Tasha Worden VP for Outreach
Ralph Foster VP for Outreach
Nancy Bernard VP for Student Affairs

J. Stone thanked J. Ferguson and his committee for their work. B. Compton motioned to adopt the entire slate of nominees including alternates. The motion was seconded by T. Trupp and the motion carried.

R. Gottesman motioned that the Nominations and Elections Committee be charged with contacting each nominee to see if he/she will serve. The motion was seconded by T. Hall and the motion carried.

Discussion was held concerning how to fill committee vacancies. T. Vest motioned that committee vacancies be filled in the following manner: Select an alternate from the same vice-presidential area. If no alternate from the VP area is available, select the next alternate listed in alphabetical order by last name. Grievance Committee vacancies are to be filled by the Nominations and Elections Committee in accordance with the Constitutional requirement to have at least one member from each major vice-presidential representative category serving on the committee at all times. B. Lewis seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Discussion was held concerning when to charge these newly populated committees. C. Gagliano motioned that the committees be charged by the Assembly during the January 23, 1996 meeting. M. Melton seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Old business: J. Stone reported on the status of two letters he sent to the office of President William Muse. No response has been received regarding a request for an Assembly budget although the matter is apparently under consideration. J. Stone reported that no correspondence has yet been received regarding a request for proper Administrative and Professional representation on Standing University Committees. J. Stone reported that representatives from the Office of the President and the University Senate will soon meet with the officers of the Assembly in order to discuss a proper course of action regarding this matter.

Determination of Assembly meeting dates for 1996 was discussed. The dates offered were:

T. Hall motioned that the meeting dates be accepted as offered. S. Asmuth seconded the motion and the motioned carried.

K. Durbin reported that B. Lewis, Janet Sugg, Barbara Royster, and Matt McCamish of the Division of University Computing are developing an Administrative and Professional Assembly Home Page on the World Wide Web. Assembly representatives and others are encouraged to view the site at

At 4:20 p.m. L. Mueller motioned for adjournment. T. Hall seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Durbin
