Resolution for Change in Constituency of the Administrator Evaluation Committee



Whereas results of administrator evaluations are reported to the Provost, and


Whereas the Provost is the chief academic officer of the university, responsible for ensuring appropriate evaluation of deans and other academic administrators of the university,


Therefore, the Steering Committee recommends that the composition of the Senate Administrator Evaluation Committee be expanded to include a representative designated by the Provost, who holds faculty rank and tenure. Such an expansion in membership will require that the current description of the committee in the University Senate Constitution and the Faculty Handbook be revised accordingly.

Additions to the section are marked in boldface, below. 

Article 4, Section 9 of the Senate Constitution.

Section 9. Administrator Evaluation Committee: The Administrator Evaluation Committee shall consist of five faculty members nominated by the Rules Committee; a representative designated by the Provost, holding faculty rank and tenure; one administrative/professional member nominated by the Administrative and Professional Assembly; and one staff member nominated by the Staff Council. The chair of the committee will be selected from the five faculty members nominated by the Rules Committee.   The committee shall oversee and/or conduct a periodic evaluation of University administrators involved in the University's teaching, research, and extension programs and provide a report of aggregate data to the Senate.