Attached are materials which I am submitting for evaluation under the Post-Tenure Review (PTR) policy recently announced by Provost John Heilman.  I, however, do not believe in the concept of PTR as defined by the aforementioned policy for the faculty of Auburn University.  This belief is shared by the majority of the general faculty as evidenced by an overwhelming vote rejecting the PTR concept taken during the Fall Semester 2006.  In addition, although faculty input was solicited, many valuable suggestions were not incorporated into the PTR policy being implemented.  As a result, I consider the aforementioned PTR policy to be non-binding, and one that has the potential of destroying the foundations of tenure and academic freedom at Auburn University.

            Since I am an unwilling participant in the PTR process, I would like to clearly state that my participation does not, in any way, either explicitly or implicitly, waive any of the legal rights, privileges, or the academic freedom that was originally provided to me upon the awarding of tenure at Auburn University.  Furthermore, by participating in the PTR process, I do not surrender any contractual rights, nor do I modify any agreements that have been made between me and Auburn University, either prior to, or during my employment at this institution.  As modification of existing contracts generally requires consent of all parties, it must be clearly understood that it is not my intention to inadvertently give consent to any type of contract modification as a result of my forced participation in the PTR process. 

As I am submitting my PTR credentials under duress, I fully reserve the right to pursue legal action, either individually or by class-action, against Auburn University, its administrators, and/or the Auburn University Board of Trustees, if I am subsequently harmed in any manner by my forced participation in this process.


__________________________________        __________________________________
Printed Name                                                       Signature


__________________________________        __________________________________
Date                                                                     Witness