Senate Committees:  New Members needed 2007/08

Committee :  Academic Computing
Charge:  The committee shall review on an annual basis the status and needs of academic computing and shall recommend action and policies, or policy changes, with regard to academic computing.

Specific Needs:  3 faculty members 

Committee :  Academic Program Review
Charge:  The committee shall periodically review each academic program of the University in terms of its quality, productivity, and centrality of the University's role and purposes and, on the basis of this shall develop appropriate recommendations for review and implementation by the President.

Specific Needs: 4 faculty members, One each from Agriculture, Nursing, COSAM, and Liberal Arts 


Committee :  Academic Standards
Charge:  The committee shall study policies governing scholastic standards for all students regarding admission to the University, continuation in residence, and graduation, and make recommendations to the Senate.  In addition, the committee shall recommend approval or disapproval of all college, school, and department requests to establish additional standards for admission in individual programs or curricula.

Specific Needs: 3 faculty members 

Committee:  Administrator Evaluation
Charge:  The committee shall oversee and/or conduct a periodic evaluation of University administrators involved in the University’s teaching, research, and extension programs and provide a report of aggregate data to the Senate.

Specific Needs: 2 faculty members


Committee:  Calendar and Schedules
Charge:  The committee shall submit a proposed University Calendar for approval by the Senate.  It shall recommend policies concerning scheduling to promote effective use of the University's facilities

Specific Needs:  1 faculty member