Steering Committee Meeting
June 9, 2020 3:30pm
Zoom Meeting

Present: Nedret Billor (Chair), Don Mulvaney (Chair-Elect), Greg Schmidt (Secretary-Elect), Mike Baginski (Immediate Past Chair), Bob Norton, Jared Russell, Jong Won Hur, Emmett Winn, Michael Tillson, Bill Hardgrave
Absent: Adrienne Wilson (Secretary)

Chair Billor called the meeting to order at 3:30pm

Approval of Steering Committee Minutes, 5/5/2020: No changes. Approved by consent

Action Item: Approval of Senate Committee Volunteers for 3-year terms beginning July 2020.
Presenter, Greg Schmidt, Secretary-elect and Chair of the Rules Committee
Schmidt presented the names of candidates approved by the Rules Committee for terms beginning in July 2020. Most vacancies were approved at the April and May Senate meetings. The names presented today represent the remainder of vacancies minus the Steering Committee appointment.

Action Item: Proposed Changes to Faculty Handbook on Dismissal Policy and Changes in Faculty Ranks for Librarians/Archivists
Presenter, Kamden Strunk, Chair, Faculty Handbook Revision Committee.
Strunk discussed changes in Handbook language around faculty dismissal and librarian/archivist ranks. Wording about the rights of faculty in dismissal hearings that mentioned citizenship was imprecise and unnecessarily exclusive. The changes suggested are unanimously supported by the committee and have the support of University Counsel and the AAUP.  In response to the Senate approval of Librarian/Archivist professorial ranks, the committee has removed titles that no longer exist from mention in the handbook.
Following brief discussion, committee agreed to present both changes in one vote at the June 16 Senate meeting.

Information Item: Instructional Support Review and Plans
Presenter, Asim Ali, Biggio Center
Ali presented four areas of consideration for instructional support teaching during the COVID19 pandemic. He first presented what worked well for Spring 2020 and then highlighted opportunities for improvement. With the resumption of high-impact course experiences including labs, Ali discussed Provost-funded grants for innovating high-impact course experiences. 24 projects have been funded. One more round of funding remains, with a review date of July 1.  Ali closed with a presentation of the Biggio Center’s Fall Semester instructional support plans.


Information Item: Auburn’s Next Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)
Presenter, Norman Godwin, Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness
Godwin opened with a discussion of the QEP and it role in SACSCOC accreditation. Auburn’s next QEP will focus on First Destination Placement Rates, the percentage of students securing employment or graduate school acceptance at graduation. It is an area of importance to many stakeholders and is a Strategic Plan KPI with opportunity for growth. Auburn already collects this data, and this QEP meets SACSCOC requirements. Godwin closed with a timeline for QEP implementation.

Discussion Item: Auburn’s Policy on Masks
Chair Billor presented Teaching Effectiveness Committee remarks on proposed COVID-19 mask policy on the Auburn campus. The committee recommended developing language for use in syllabi, clarification on who the policy applies to, accommodations for those who cannot wear a mask, instructions on the correct use of masks, and changes to some language in the policy regarding University Libraries.
The Steering Committee then discussed enforcement of mask policy and recourse for instructors who have non-compliant students in their classrooms. It also discussed language in the policy identifying which guidelines are informing the policy, Federal, State or CDC. Following the discussion, Chair Billor asked Steering members to give her comments to pass on the Ronald Burgess.

Approval of Senate Agenda for June 16:
The final agenda item was to approve the agenda for the April 14 meeting. The agenda was approved by voice vote.

No New Business or Unfinished Business.

Chair Billor adjourned the meeting at 4:50pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Greg Schmidt