Steering Committee Meeting
April 7, 2020 3:30pm
Zoom Meeting

Present: Nedret Billor (Chair), Don Mulvaney (Chair-Elect), Greg Schmidt (Secretary-Elect), Mike Baginski (Immediate Past Chair), Bob Norton, Jared Russell, Jong Won Hur, Emmett Winn, Michael Tillson, Bill Hardgrave
Absent: Adrienne Wilson (Secretary)

Chair Billor called the meeting to order at 3:30pm

Approval of Steering Committee Minutes, 1/14/2020: Approved by voice vote

Action item: Calendar Committee, 2022/23 Academic Calendar
Presenter, Robin Jaffe, Chair of Calendar Committee
Proposed calendar for the 2022/23 Academic Year was presented. Fall Semester 2022 will begin on Aug.16. Spring 2023 will begin on Jan.11, and Summer 2023 will begin on May 17. The second Summer 2023 mini-mester will begin on June 26.

The committee led by a question from Provost Hardgrave discussed the goal and difficulties of trying to end Summer semesters by August 1. Discussion focused on earlier Spring Semester starting dates, shortening the teaching days allotted, and the impact on studio classes.

Remarks from Provost Hardgrave: A proposal to consider regarding Summer Tuition and Core Courses relating to the Auburn First Program.
Administration is looking into Summer courses offered at AU, particularly following the model of the Auburn First program that offers steeply discounted core courses to incoming freshmen. The administration is considering extending the Auburn First program to any AU student in need of core courses, rather than offering it only to incoming freshmen.  This proposal is intended as a strategy to maintain enrollment for the Fall and ensure a robust Summer enrollment for teaching faculty.  The idea is to reduce course fees for core courses in addition to waiving the usual $838 student semester fee.
For more details on the program, the Provost encourages committee members to see the Auburn First web page.
Nothing yet has been written up about this proposal, but it is being considered.

Action Item: Approval of Senate Committee Volunteers for 3-year terms beginning July 2020.
Presenter, Greg Schmidt, Secretary-elect and Chair of the Rules Committee
Schmidt presented the slate of candidates approved by the Rules Committee for terms beginning in July 2020. He noted that there were a small number of committee vacancies remaining, but that Colleges and Schools were in the process of naming candidates. These remaining vacancies will be presented at the May Senate meeting.

Approval of Senate Agenda for April 14:
The final agenda item was to approve the agenda for the April 14 meeting. The agenda would include the new business regarding the 2022/23 Academic Calendar plus the Approval of Committee Volunteers in addition to the information and action items deferred from the canceled March Senate meeting.
Several Steering committee members expressed concern over allowing the senate to proceed to a vote on the action item regarding the “We Are Still In” resolution. The resolution was presented by Mike Kensler at the February Senate meeting as a pending action item.  Opponents to this action item were concerned that the resolution was political in nature and would negatively impact research and operations at Auburn University. They advocated deferring the action item to a later date.  Proponents of the item noted that the action item in question had been presented to the Senate in February and was already approved by the Steering committee for action at the March meeting.  They advocated allowing senators to weigh the proposal, consult with their faculty, and proceed to the vote as scheduled.

The final vote to approve the agenda without modification was 5 in favor and 4 against.

No New Business or Unfinished Business.

Chair Billor adjourned the meeting at 4:55pm.

Following the meeting and with discussions from Sustainability Director, Mike Kensler, Dr. Kensler proposed to defer the Senate vote on the “We Are Still In” resolution to a time when the Senate can meet in person.  The Steering Committee agreed to this proposal.

Respectfully Submitted,
Greg Schmidt