Minutes of Senate Steering Committee
January 11, 2018, 3:30-4:45
Samford 206


Present:   Dan Svyantek (Chair), Donald Mulvaney (Secretary), James Goldstein (Immediate-Past Chair), Michael Baginski (Chair-Elect), Beverly Marshall (Secretary-Elect), Bill Hardgrave (Provost), , Jared Russell
Absent: Lisa Kensler, Michael Tillson

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Svyantek at 3:30 pm and an agenda with attachments was provided. As a first item of business, the Steering minutes from November 30 were approved with minor edits.

Chairman Svyantek updated the group about the Ad Hoc Nomination Committee chaired by Robin Jaffe indicating they are working on gathering bio’s on prospective nominees.  He also indicated that Lisa Kensler is working with the Academic Committee within the student government to explore possible resolutions regarding course syllabi requirements.

Chairman Svyantek shared a calendar of items for the spring Senate items which include: 1) a report from the Faculty Research Committee on the incentivization of faculty scholarship and addressing potential guideline loop holes; 2) plans for a panel about Senate work and Shared Governance; and 3) upcoming timeframe for soliciting committee volunteers. 

The agenda for the Senate meeting for 1/16/2018 was approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM.

Prepared by:  D. Mulvaney, Secretary, AU Senate