Auburn University Senate Steering Committee
Thursday, September 15, 2016, 3:30 - 5:10
Haley 9030D (inside English Department Office)


Present: James Goldstein (Chair), Dan Svyantek (Chair-Elect),  Larry Teeter (Immediate-Past Chair), Timothy Boosinger (Provost), Emmett Winn (Vice-Provost), Xing Ping Hu (Secretary), Donald Mulvaney (Secretary-Elect), Emily Myers, Lisa Kensler, Jared Russell, Mike Kensler (Director of OS), Nanette Chadwick (Director of ASP), Megan Rogers Good (Director of Academic Assessment)

Absent: Lucretia Tripp

The first item was approval of Steering Meeting Minutes from August 18, 2016.

Next, a presentation on STARS report was given by Mike Kensler (Director, Office of Sustainability) and Nanette Chadwick (Director of Academic Sustainability Programs). This year, Auburn University received STARS Silver Rating for sustainability achievements. The ranking is based on sustainability performance points in areas including Academic, Engagements of campus and public, Operations and Planning & administration. The reports presented highlights and detailed opportunities for improvement in each area.

Followed was the presentation on Academic Assessment Update by Megan Rogers Good (Director of Academic Assessment). Megan detailed 1) the Assessment cycle involving assessing general education, degree/certificate programs, and academic support service units; 2) Resources available such as the Quality of assessment rubric, workshops, and consultation; and 3) Purpose of assessment. The presentation was followed by discussions on each topic.

The next item was approval of agenda for Senate meeting of 9/20.

The Senate Chair, James Goldstein, made a couple of announcements including the special charges to the Ad Hoc Summer fringe committee, Faculty Handbook Review Committee, Faculty Research Committee, and Calendar Committee (working with Graduation Committee and Library Committee) on issues concerning faculty and students.  

Before meeting adjourned, items for future presentation at Steering and Senate meetings were suggested and discussed.

The meeting adjourned at 5:10 pm.