Auburn University Steering Committee
Thursday, December 10, 2015, 3:30 p.m.
206 Samford Hall

Present: Larry Teeter (Chair), Patricia Duffy (Immediate-Past Chair), James Goldstein (Chair-Elect), Laura Plexico (Secretary), Xing Ping Hu (Secretary-Elect), Keven Yost, Lisa Kensler, Emily Myers, Emmett Winn,  Allen Furr, Constance Relihan 
Absent: Sara Wolf, Timothy Boosinger
The first item of business was approval of the November 11, 2015 minutes.

Agenda for next Senate meeting on January 19th was reviewed. Information items will include Dr. Royrickers Cook discussing the Cuba Outreach Initiative, a speaker on Diversity Initiatives, and Chance Corbett discussing the Active Shooter Program. There are two senate committees that need members and may come forward as an action item.

Larry Teeter proposed that rules evaluate whether committees are meeting, active, and working toward a charge. Emmett Winn briefly reviewed the universities diversity initiatives. Funding to support minorities was also discussed.

Concerns over the confidentiality requirement for administrative review committees was discussed. The confidentiality agreement is no longer being used by most committees. The use of the confidentiality agreement is not stipulated in the guidelines. Steering was in favor of looking at adding confidentiality language to the guidelines.

Lisa Kensler stated that the ad hoc committee on exams looked at a policy on the timing of last exams before the finals period. That committee will have a report with suggested options for steering in January.

Patricia Duffy asked why finals are mandated for undergraduate students? Constance Relihan stated that there is a process for getting permission to not have a final.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:27.