Auburn University Steering Committee
Thursday, May 21, 2015, 3:30 p.m.
206 Samford Hall

Present: Patricia Duffy (Chair), Larry Crowley (Immediate-Past Chair), Gisela Buschle-Diller (Secretary),  Laura Plexico (Secretary-elect), Sara Wolf, Emily Myers, Keven Yost, James Goldstein,  Constance Relihan, Emmett Winn, Tim Boosinger
Absent: Larry Teeter (Chair-Elect), Mike Baginski

The minutes of the Steering Committee meeting from May 7, 2015, were approved with a minor modification.

The Senate meeting on May 19 was briefly discussed and the agenda for the Senate meeting on June 16th drafted. At this point, the revised Policy on Military Credits will be the only Action Item at the June meeting. Information Items might include a report of the Teaching Effectiveness Committee and an update on Interdisciplinary Studies as well as possibly an overview of Student Affairs Support Services. The Agenda will be finalized at the June 4th Steering Committee meeting.

Sara Wolf gave an update on the work on copyright issues. The Committee has reached the conclusion that the use and the production of material should constitute two separate categories. The production issue might be ready to be presented by the end of summer. She also mentioned that some universities have a person whose job it is to specifically deal with copyright issues and assist people with questions in this regard. It might be something to investigate further for Auburn University.

Patricia Duffy reported that the group working on female faculty’s vitality issues is still in the process of evaluating the results of the conducted focus group interviews. Results might be available in fall.

Ten preliminary cluster hire preproposals were turned in. The principal investigators of five of these will be asked to develop full proposals.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:10.