Auburn University Steering Committee
Thursday, February 19, 2015
107 Samford Hall

Present: Patricia Duffy (Chair), Larry Teeter (Chair-Elect), Larry Crowley (Immediate-Past Chair), Gisela Buschle-Diller (Secretary),  Laura Plexico (Secretary-Elect), Emily Myers, Keven Yost, Mike Baginski, George Flowers, James Witte, Joe Pittman, Robin Jaffe, Kevin Coonrod, Charles Israel, Emmett Winn, Hulya Kirkici

Absent: Sara Wolf

The minutes of the Steering Committee meeting from February 5, 2015, were approved without modifications.

The tentative agenda of the upcoming March Senate meeting was discussed. As Action Items, Robin Jaffe (Chair, Calendar Committee) will be presenting changes to the calendar of 2015-2016 and introduce the proposed calendar for 2017-2018, as well as presenting a proposal for assigning make-up days for University emergency closings as a Pending Action Item. Another Pending Action Item will be the revision to the Faculty Handbook, section 3.7.1-3.7.2, as introduced by James Goldstein at the previous Steering Committee meeting. The Information Item will consist of a presentation by Jennifer Kerpelman and Lorraine Wolf on “This is Research 2015” (previously termed Research Week). Neither one of the presenters could be at the Steering meeting, but drafted slides for the presentation were available.

At the March 10 General Faculty meeting, the Ombudsman Kevin Coonrod will give an overview of what the Ombuds-Office can/cannot do in conflict situations. Also at this meeting, the results of the election of Senate officers will be announced, and the Glenn Howze Academic Freedom Award presented.

Charles Israel, Emmett Winn and Patricia Duffy explained the proposal on academic credits for military veterans which should be brought before the Senate in form of a Resolution and voted on before the Board of Trustees meeting on April 17. This is an urgent request since Auburn University needs to comply with the laws of the State of Alabama. It was decided to add the Resolution to the agenda of the March 3 Senate meeting. Larry Teeter will present it.

George Flowers, Joe Pittman and James Witte brought forward an issue regarding the graduate status of Lecturers. Lecturers cannot apply for Graduate Faculty Status and are thus not allowed to teach graduate courses although they might be well qualified. It was suggested to revise Section 3.5.1.A of the Faculty Handbook that says: “Lecturers and senior lecturers are not eligible for graduate faculty status”, to allow Lecturers to teach graduate level courses if approved by the Department and with the necessary faculty vote. A department is also free to decide against it.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:45PM and other points on the agenda postponed due to time constraints.