Minutes of the Steering Committee Meeting
2 August 2010
3:30 p.m., 206 Samford Hall
(by Russ Muntifering, Secretary)

In Attendance:  Claire Crutchley, Bill Hames, Mary Ellen Mazey, Russ Muntifering, Larry Crowley, Kathryn Flynn
Absent:  Ann Beth Presley, David Shannon, Jim Wright 

--The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.

--The minutes of the 12 July 2010 Steering Committee meeting were approved without change. 

-- We discussed a draft resolution for presentation at the 23 August Senate meeting that would change the meaning of Two-thirds Vote from two-thirds of total Senate membership to two-thirds of votes cast required to amend the Auburn University Handbook.

--We discussed a draft of proposed changes to procedures under the Academic Honesty Code that will be presented to Steering Committee at its August 16 meeting by Ashley Nichols, Vice President of SGA.

--The Policy on Retroactive Withdrawals/Resignations and Withdrawals/Resignations after Midterm (rev. 8/1/08) is scheduled for review and assessment. Results will be reported to the Senate as an information item or included in an appropriate committee report.

--Dr. Bill Rickert, former Associate Provost at Wright State University, will be visiting campus and seeking input on Faculty Handbook revisions at meetings with Faculty Senators on Friday, August 27, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. in 1106 RBD (Library Auditorium). We decided that Steering Committee would defer on receiving and advancing any proposed changes to Handbook until Dr. Rickert had received faculty input during his campus visit and formulated his recommendations for revision.

--We discussed scheduling an update/information item at the August 23 Senate meeting pertaining to Auburn University response to the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill.

--The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.