University Senate
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Broun Hall Auditorium, 3:30 p.m.


Call to order
Establishment of a Quorum
Approval of Minutes from January 14, 2014

Remarks and Announcements

Office of the President
Jay Gogue, President

Office of the Provost
Tim Boosinger, Provost

University Senate Chair
Larry Crowley

Action Items:

Pending Action Items:

1. Call for Nominations for Rules Committee Members

Presenter: Gisela Buschle-Diller, Senate Secretary-elect
standing in for Judy Sheppard, Senate Secretary

2. AGSC Engineering Exemption to Core Curriculum

Presenter: Constance Relihan, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies
presentation (ppt)

Information Items
1. Intercollegiate Athletics Committee Update

Presenter: Mary Boudreaux, chair
presentation (ppt)

2. Winter Weather Campus Closing Procedure

Presenter: Chance Corbett, Associate Director, Emergency Management
presentation (ppt)

New Business: Larry Crowley, Senate Chair

Unfinished Business: Larry Crowley, Senate Chair

Adjournment: Larry Crowley, Senate Chair