Agenda for March 13, 2001

3:00 Telfair Peet Theatre



Call to Order

Approval of Minutes (See Minutes on the Senate Home Page at




          a.  President’s Office:  President William Walker

          b.  Senate Chair:  Dr. Bruce Gladden


Election of Senate officers:



Chair-elect - Barbara Struempler, Nutrition and Food Sciences

Chair-elect - Mike Watkins, Philosophy

Secretary-elect – Donna Bohanan, History

Secretary-elect - Renee Middleton, Counseling/Counseling Psychology


Resolution: Vote of No Confidence in the AU Board of Trustees

Resolution: Form a Joint Assessment Committee to plan Board evaluation


Farewell Address:  Bruce Gladden


Presentation of Academic Freedom Award by the AAUP: George Crandell


Announcement of Election Results:  Bruce Gladden







Resolution of NO CONFIDENCE

in the Board of Trustees of Auburn University

March 13, 2001


Whereas, The Board of Trustees has consistently failed to consult with and/or take into account the opinions of the faculty, staff, students, and alumni of Auburn University over the course of the last decade on issues ranging from the allocation of resources through the appointment of Trustees representing diverse backgrounds, experiences, and gender/ethnicity; and


Whereas, the Auburn University Board of Trustees and the Governor of the State, continue to make a mockery of the efforts of students, faculty, staff, alumni and citizens of Alabama to open the Board to new inputs from those not representing the perspectives of the men who control the Board; and


Whereas, these same individuals persist in pursuing their self-serving agendas for Auburn University which will inevitably result in the weakening of its academic reputation and insist on discrediting those within and without Auburn University who disagree with or oppose their views; and


Whereas, the principles of shared governance at Auburn University have eroded, perhaps irreparably, in the last few years,


Therefore be it resolved that the University Faculty expresses its lack of trust and confidence in the Governor and other voting members of the Auburn University Board of Trustees.


Resolution (concerning appointment of a Joint Assessment Committee)


Preamble.  Auburn University is in the midst of an overall general accreditation review by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), a process that will conclude in 2003.  Should Auburn fail accreditation renewal, grave consequences would result, including loss of massive amounts of federal funding, and loss of prestige. SACS Criteria for Accreditation, Section VI, and specifically Article 6.1.2 requires that, “there must (SACS’ emphasis) be a clear distinction, in writing and in practice, between the policy-making functions of the governing board and the responsibility of the administration and faculty to administer and implement policy.” Should SACS find that Article 6.1.2 has been violated, the Board will have placed renewal of Auburn’s accreditation in grave jeopardy. (As an historical precedent, it should be noted that in 1941, “irregularities and incidences of outside interference into academic activities” in the Georgia University System in fact did lead to the loss of SACS accreditation.) Consequently, with genuine concern for the long-term best interests of Auburn University, in fairness, and with good will for all parties, we offer the following course of action as a constructive step forward.


WHEREAS there exists a widespread perceived lack of institutional leadership and inappropriate governance by the Board of Trustees of Auburn University, as demonstrated by a large majority of the Auburn stakeholders (faculty, staff, administrative and professional personnel, and students) voting “no-confidence” in the Board, this resolution hereby requests that the following actions be taken promptly by joint action of the Board of Trustees and the University Senate Officers:


Appointment of a Joint Assessment Committee to Study the Feasibility of an External,   Objective, and Independent Assessment of the Board's Performance


Given the current state of the relationship between the Board and the stakeholders, an objective, independent assessment of the Board's performance by an outside agency or group is needed. The Joint Assessment Committee (JAC) will study the merits and mechanisms of such an assessment and report its conclusions and plan of action to the University Senate and the Board of Trustees by April 6th, the date of the next Board meeting. The JAC will determine suitable choices of groups or agencies to perform the assessment, draft the charge to the group or agency, and define specific tasks and deadlines. The membership of the JAC shall be composed of the University Senate Chair, a Past-Chair of the University Senate, the President of the Alumni Association, one Board of Trustees member, the Chair of the AU Staff Council, a representative of the AU administration, and the President of the SGA.

We believe it vital to the SACS accreditation process for the Board to be able to show clear evidence during next year’s SACS self-study that there have been changes enacted in its present operating attitude and format. An external assessment may provide meaningful benchmarks and evidence to SACS that the Board is in compliance with SACS guidelines. Should the Board choose not to accept the procedure outlined here, the stakeholders of the university must assume a position of immense care and responsibility by bringing further national attention to the Board's governing performance by whatever means appropriate in order to bring about the necessary changes in the Board, and if necessary, its composition.