Grants and Honors

Recent Grants

2003-2006 Department of Defense Immunocompetence and stress responsiveness in gopher tortoises from US Army impacted areas
2003-2006 NACASI Collapse of gopher tortoise burrows by heavy equipmentL effects on stress and immunocompetence
2002-2006 NSF (co-PI with AV Badyaev and GE Hill) Maternal effects and evolution in the house finch
1998-2000 Sea Grant Paper mill effluent exposure in a coastal river system: assessing effects on vertebrate reproductive processes
1997-2002 NIMH FIRST (R29) Bats: a new neuroendocrine model linking sex and torpor
1996-2000 USGS Reproductive dysfunction in the yellow-blotched map turtle in Mississippi

Fellowships and Honors

2009 Gerald and Emily Leischuck Endowed Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching
2009 Auburn University Alumni Professor
2009 Secretary, Division of Comparative Endocrinology, Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology
2007, 2008 EPA STAR Fellowship Review Panel
2004 NSF Integrative Animal Biology Peer Review Panel Member
2002 Graduate Student Council Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award
2001 Auburn University Alumni Association Undergraduate Teaching Award
1998-2001 NSF Integrative Graduate Education Research Training Panel
1998-2002 NSF Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology Review Panel
1998 Auburn University PanHellenic Outstanding University Professor Award
1997 SETAC Workshop Invitee
1996 Savannah River Ecology Laboratory Visiting Faculty Fellowship
1989-1991 NIMH Individual National Research Service Award (NRSA)
1987-1989 NIH institutional National Research Service Award (NRSA)
1985-1987 Australian Research Grants Scheme (ARGS) Postdoctoral Fellowship
1984-1985 Department of Energy Pre-doctoral Research Fellowship, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Aiken, SC
1977 Graduated cum laude and presented with Outstanding Senior in Zoology Award from Rutgers University, Newark

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