Dean's Research Award


Dean's Research Award - Undergraduate Students

COSAM prides itself in the research and scholarly pursuits of its faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students. To recognize these accomplishments the Dean's Research Awards were established. These awards are given annually from nominations received from the departments. COSAM has a strong tradition of supporting outstanding undergraduate students in directed research.

Nomination Procedure:
Each department may nominate ONE (1) undergraduate student. Nominations are typically initiated by the faculty research mentor. Because there are multiple outstanding undergraduates in each department, nominations should be screened by the departmental awards committee, which will select the one student they feel is most qualified to go forward to the College. Nomination packets must include:

  • Nominating letter by the faculty mentor
  • 1-2 letters of support (no more than 3 letters total)
  • Full CV of the student
  • 1-page description of the student's research written by the student for a COSAM audience

It is the responsibility of the student's sponsor/nominator (e.g., major professor) to assemble all nominating materials. These should be combined into a single pdf and submitted to the awards committe of the respective departments. The awards committee should then upload the nomination package for the student they select using the link below. All nominations are due by 4:45 pm on February 24, 2021.

Submit a Nomination