Italian at Auburn | Rules and Regulations
Dr. Katainen's Rules and Regulations for FLIT 0101, 0102, 0103, 0201


1. Lazzarino, Prego (fourth edition)

2. G. Centineo, A Workbook for Prego (fourth edition)

3. G. Lazzarino, A Lab Manual for Prego (fourth edition)

4. S. Adorni, C. K. Primorac, English Grammar for Students of Italian



1. The purchase of an Italian-English/English-Italian dictionary is strongly recommended. The AU bookstore has several good editions, but please avoid getting a small "tourist" dictionary.

2. Shaum Italian book with various exercises (good for review before exams).


1. Attendance: Daily attendance is required. Your participation grade is based partly on attendance. Roll is taken at the beginning of class every day. PLEASE COME ON TIME! THANK YOU. YOUR FINAL GRADE WILL BE REDUCED BY ONE LETTER GRADE FOR EACH UNEXCUSED ABSENCE AFTER YOUR FIFTH; SEE ME IMMEDIATELY RE: EXCUSED ABSENCES; MAKE A XEROX OF EXCUSE THAT I MAY KEEP. It is the responsibility of the student to keep a record of total absences. Grazie! :-)

2. Exams: A missed exam may be made up ONLY in the case of illness, family emergency, or an official university excuse. In the case of illness and family emergencies, the instructor must be personally notified by the student as soon as possible. In case you cannot contact Dr. K. personally, document your efforts by leaving a voice message at 844-6373 or an email at A written medical excuse by the attending physician is appropriate in case of illness. ALL MAKE-UPS TAKE PLACE ONLY AT THE TIME DESIGNATED BY THE INSTRUCTOR, usually twice per quarter.

There will be no early finals. Students with straight A's on ALL assignments (not just an overall A average) may or may not be exempted from the final at the discretion of the instructor. An announcement will be made regarding this on the last day of instruction. PLEASE BRING A LARGE SCANTRON FORM AND A # 2 PENCIL TO FINAL EXAM, UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED.

3. Quiz di vocabulario will take place on the second day of study for each chapter. So, memorize vocabulary at the end of each chapter by the first day of study of each chapter. Vocab quizzes may NOT be made up. Your grade average for vocab quizzes will be determined on the basis of the quizzes you do take. A grade of ZERO will be assigned in the unlikely event that you take an insufficient number of vocab quizzes.

4. Language Lab (HC 3230): FLIT 0101, 0102, 0103, 0201 are five-credit courses that meet four times weekly MWHF) and require the student to work on the language lab materials at least two hours a week. You will be required to submit at regular intervals audio lab tapes with recorded exercices, as well as the dictation (=dettato) from the lab manual (= manuale); all of these will be graded (50% for dictation; 50% for spot check of taped exercices). Before submitting taped material for grading, please rewind tape to beginning of assignment; also, dictation must be easily legible and written on a lined sheet of paper (NOT the page from your lab manual, please); your name and class hour (12,00 or 13,00) must appear on both cassette and dettato; failure to follow these instructions will result in a grade of zero. For more about the lab work, see below.

Dettati will not be handed back to students after grading; they will be stored in the instructor's office, where student may consult them during office hours. Students will, however, receive detailed evaluations (on a sheet entitled Evaluazione del nastro) for all Lab work.

5. EXERCISE NOTEBOOKS: Students are required to keep a bound notebook (either spiral or sewn, not looseleaf), in which they do–in orderALL the exercises of the pertinent chapters of the textbook Prego. Students are required to submit their exercise notebooks for grading at the beginning of the class period on regular exam days. Student grades for the exercise notebook constitutes 7% of the final grade. Grades are based on accuracy of answers, effort, neatness and completeness. Each individual exercise must be identified by CHAPTER, PAGE, AND LETTER (e.g., Capitolo 2, p. 50, esercizio A, and then etc.) Notebooks will be graded ONLY while the exam is taking place. Non submission will result in a grade of zero. Late submissions will not be accepted. Students must pick up exercise notebook at conclusion of exam. :-)

6. ITALIAN LANGUAGE TELEVISION: The Language Lab receives Italian language TV reception from 5 -7 p.m. daily and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday. If you live on campus, you may watch these programs on ch. 32.

7. EXTRA CREDIT: Occasionally throughout each quarter extra credit assignments may be offered, with specific due dates. Grades for such assignments are applied toward the student's PARTICIPATION GRADE. Extra credit activities do not guarantee a higher grade, but they constitute a good insurance policy.

Students must observe the deadlines for the submission of individual extra credit assignments.

8. FLIT 0101, 0102, 0103, 0201 begin promptly at 10 minutes after the hour. Since there is much material to be presented and covered, students are strongly encouraged to arrive before instruction begins. Late arrivals are discouraged, as they disruptive to all and will result in a lower participation grade.

9. Preparation: Students are expected to come to class with all necessary materials and having read the English explanation of the grammar or culture to be presented in Italian on any particular day, as indicated on the syllabus. Students are responsible for written preparation of grammar and exercices assigned. Lack of preparation and participation will negatively affect students' participation grades, and, in my experience, their final grades. Students who prepare regularly usually do well in Italian language courses.

10. Graded assignments: Homework, tapes, etc. are accepted only at the beginning of the class hour of the day the assignment is due. LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please be sure to write your LAST NAME as well as your first name, and your class hour, on ALL work submitted, so that I can assign the grade to the correct person.

All graded homework is brought to class and distributed ONCE only, within three class days of submission. If you are absent on the day homework is distributed, you may retrieve your assignment or audio tape during business hours (7:45 - 4:45) from the green/yellow box marked ITALIAN that is located on top of the filing cabinets in 6029 Haley.

11. Students are asked to note that occasionally examinations may be proctored by a person other than the instructor.

12. SPECIAL ACCOMODATIONS: Students requiring special accomodations are encouraged to see me after class or in my office to make an appointment to discuss your situation confidentially. You may contact me by phone, if my office hours conflict with your schedule. Please bring your memo from the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) to me as soon as possible; we can discuss it during your appointment. Exam accomodations should be arranged at least one week in advance. If at any time during the quarter you feel that the accomodations we have put in place are not working, please consult with me and/or the professional staff in the PSD office. If you do not have a memo from the PSD office that states recommended accomodations, it is suggested that you make an appointment with the PSD in 1244 Haley Center (844-2096).